Elementary School - Office
536 Fontenot Street, Melville, LA 71353
(337) 623-4688
Built in 1958, the Melville Elementary School near the corner of Hwy 105 and Jackson Lane. The grades were from 1st to 7th grade. The first Principal was Cecil Ray Jackson.
1st - Mrs. Gordon Bordelon, Mrs. Veda Lewis
2nd - Mrs. Louise Rouse
3rd - Ms. Thelma Goudeau
4th - Ms. Ruth Thomasson Hebert
5th - Mrs. Viola Maddie
6th - Ms. Anita Capps
7th - Mrs. Laura Gremillion
7th - Ms. Leona Thomasson
8th through the 12th went to Melville High School. Mr. Henagan and Sam Cannalla drove the school buses and Mrs. Cannalla worked in the lunch room.
The Melville Catfish Festival.
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