Maybe you need to publish a Web page but you don't want to publish the entire site. I mean, why bring the entire army when you just need one soldier? With a right-click and a couple of mouse moves, it's easier than ever. Here's how you can publish a single Web page:
Put the photo in a table. Then put the following html in the cell,
after the
td: <td title="This is a title."> . Of course, put
your own message inside
the quotation marks.
First, get rid of all your <font> tags. Then:
1. Choose New Page Or Web from the File menu.
2. Click the Page Templates link on the New task pane.
3. Click the Style Sheets tab, select Normal Style Sheet,
and click OK. A blank document should appear.
4. Choose Style from the Format menu.
5. In the Styles box, select "body" and then click Modify.
6. In the Modify Style dialog box, click the Format menu
and choose Font.
7. Choose Arian in the Font box and 10px in the Size box
(assuming you want each line of text to be 10 pixels
8. Click OK and OK.
9. Repeats steps 5-8 for the p and td styles. Your
document should now look like this:
body { font-family: Arial; font-size:
10px }
p { font-family:
Arial; font-size: 10px }
td { font-family: Arial;
font-size: 10px }
10. Save the document in the root of your Web site as
11. Open a Web page.
12. Choose Style Sheet Links from the Format menu.
13. When the Link Style Sheet dialog box appears,
make sure Selected Page(s) is selected, then click
14. When the Select Style Sheet dialog box appears,
select the styles.css file you saved in step 10,
then click OK.
15. Click OK to close the Link Style Sheet dialog box,
then save the page.
Repeat steps 11-15 for each page you want to modify.
Alternatively, in step 13, choose All Pages rather than
Selected Page(s). This will make every page in your Web
use styles from the styles.css file.
I must warn you, however, of two facts.
o Any new or existing styles applied to individual page
elements will override styles from the CSS file. This
is the "Cascading" aspect of Cascading Style
o Web visitors can still change font sizes locally by
choosing Text Size from the browser's View menu.
There's nothing you can do about this. Unlike print
media, the viewer's environment partially determines